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Sunday, February 4, 2018

The real opioid epidemic explained.

Petition List:
This petition Is for you or someone you know as been denied medical care, have been involuntarily tapered, or stopped cold-turkey from your pain management protocols.
This petition Is for anyone to sign who disagrees with the new CDC guidelines on pain management protocols.We have 30 days to gather 100k signatures.
CDC guidelines for Chronic Pain

     In 2015  there were 33,091 Overdose deaths
     In 2015 there were 20,101 overdose deaths from prescription pain relievers
                  there were 12,990 overdose deaths related to heroin.
     In 2016 Approx.    64,000 Overdose deaths
     In 2016 Approx.    42,249 overdose deaths according to the CDC
     In 2016 Fentanyl and its cousins caused approx. 19,000 deaths
     In 2016 Heroin caused 15,500
     In 2016 Prescription opioids caused 14,500 overdoses

    The CDC admits in some back page of their website that they are well aware that the issue is not a prescribing issue, but an illicit one. A deadly brew of illicit fentanyl pressed into pills, sold as Heroin, or mixed with Heroin and it is killing people at a much faster rate than prescription opiates.
They are even kind enough to state that most of the fentanyl related deaths are not pharmaceutical fentanyl but the illicit fentanyl made in China. Sometimes shipped to Mexico and then it comes over the southern border with the Heroin.
Fentanyl data
   The CDC really likes to play mind games because on their Synthetic opioid data they again include illicit fentanyl. Saying that it is actually driving the numbers higher in the synthetic opioid category. A synthetic opioid is anything made in a lab and not just the ones from Big Pharma but the illegal underground markets were illicit drugs are made.
Synthetic opioid data

    Then there is Heroin were according to them 4 out of 5 users claim they started with prescription opioids sounds like a big number right. The CDC will also tell you that "As many as 1 in 4 people using opiates for chronic pain management will become addicted." That "As many as" really means not always will that one become addicted at all actually.

   Prescription overdose data for 2016 is interesting to look at now that you know the numbers are stacked. But wait there is more.
  • If you die from a car accident and have an opiate in your system and a benzo your death will fall under and be listed with all three categories. Even though the car accident killed you.
  • If you hang yourself and you have an opiate in your system it counts as both
  • If you die and had drugs that they cant identify due to degradation it gets counted as an opiate.
   So now where are the numbers?

   They don't report on the suicides due to pain, but the US suicide rate has been steadily growing since they have scaled back prescription practices for Chronic pain suffers and we are currently at a 30 year high.

   Why does the CDC all of a sudden have this power you ask? This is the FDAs job you say. Nope, Not really, Not anymore. Since Obama issued a Memorandum on Oct 21,2015 in it says "  To the extent feasible, training adopted by agencies should be consistent with consensus guidelines on pain medication prescribing developed by the CDC."

And those are the true numbers of the opiate crisis and why it has nothing to do with legal prescription's.
Oh and one more thing the top three drugs that people ODd on at as follows:
  • Methadone which is used as an addiction treatment
  • Oxycodone
  • Hydrocodone
46 people die from drug overdose a day.
123 people commit suicide everyday

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